New Delhi: Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who was recently shooting for Bhoot Police in Rajasthan sneaked out some time to meet one of his diehard fans. Devipal Singh Rajput has been rooting for Arjun since his debut Ishaqzaade and the actor has kept in touch with him all these years. 


Arjun Kapoor who is shooting in Rajasthan decided to catch-up with his fans and therefore arranged for a plan where Devipal met and spent time with him in Jaisalmer.

“They say friends are like family but in an actor's life fans are like family too. I had the chance to finally meet a huge fan of mine since Ishaqzaade and spend quality time with him & his friend during my shoot. I’m glad he came all the way to see me and grateful that he filled me with love and positivity that will last me a lifetime like fuel to keep working for my fans,” said Arjun.

The actor commands are huge fan following on social media with a cumulative follower strength of about 28 million.