The pressure of shedding fat took the life of young Kannada heroine Chethana Raj. The 21-year-old star had decided to undergo plastic surgery without informing anyone in the family. And as a result of that surgery, Chethana Raj died of lung failure, allegedly. However, the family claims that due to the negligence of the doctor, Chethana died. Her parents have already lodged a police complaint.

Chetana Raj Case: The Story Behind 


1. Chetana was admitted to Shetty's Cosmetic Centre in Bengaluru on Monday for a 'fat-free' plastic surger but unfortunately it turned fatal for it. While performing the surgery, water began to accumulate in her lungs, reportedly. 

2. After that, an anaesthetist named Melvin along with the plastic surgeon who performed the operation rushed Chetana to a private hospital at about 5:30 p.m. The treatment was started immediately after they insisted that the patient has had a cardiac issue.  

3. Unfortunately, the doctors could not save Chetana even with CPR for 45 minutes. Sandeep, the doctor-in-charge of the ICU said in a police complaint that, the staff of the plastic surgery group knew that Chethana had died a long time ago. The actress was declared dead at 7 pm at Kaade Hospital. 

Chetana gained popularity at a young age due to her performance in 'Geeta', 'Doresani' series. Her untimely death casts a shadow of grief in the Kannada industry. The police have already launched an investigation against the Shetty's Cosmetic Centre.