New Delhi: The Twitter war is on and it will continue. It's Kangana Ranaut vs Bollywood after the actress gave an explosive interview to a news channel over the weekend. While some of the Bollywood celebs have flooded Twitter with dismissive tweets against some of Kangana's statements, a cricketer has picked her side. It's perhaps for the first time a cricketer has spoken on any Bollywood controversy. 


Kangana has been making waves on social media after she levelled some serious allegations against a few people in the film industry in the wake of actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death an in the interview, she called out some A-listers for promoting nepotism and favouritism in the movie business. She even went on to say that Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhasker are "B-grade actresses" and "chaploos". 

The cricketer who has come out in support of Kangana is Manoj Tiwary. He tweeted to say that "people who are attacking Kangana are instead exposing themselves of who they are from inside." He also asked people to rather keep silent if they can't support her. 

"The people who all are attacking Kangana Ranaut for her statements are exposing themselves of who they are from inside but remember when karma hits back, then it hits back at you with no menu, you get served what you deserve. So brace yourselves, it's coming at you all," read the cricketer's first tweet.

He added, "Kangana vs rest will go on forever but let's hope the focus is not shifted to other subjects. Conveniently people woke up from sleep and started attacking Kangana only after she came out openly. Why can't they keep their mouth shut if they can't support her."

Manoj Tiwary has represented India in ODI format and was a part of 2012 T20 World Cup Squad. He currently plays Bengal in domestic cricket. He has also played for IPL teams Kolkata Knight Riders and the Kings XI Punjab.