New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) summoned Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor to investigate the Mahadev online betting app scam, in which four people have been arrested from Chhattisgarh. It was reported that as many as 17 B-town celebs have come under the scanner in connection with the case including Huma Qureshi, Shraddha Kapoor, Tiger Shroff, and Sonakshi Sinha, among others. They are under the scanner for attending or performing at Chandrakar's wedding in February this year and the company's success party in September last year.


Controversy Queen Kangana Ranaut has now taken to Instagram stories to comment on it and asked the celebs to 'behave.' The 'Tejas' actress wrote, "This endorsement came to me almost 6 times over a span of one year, every time they added several crores to the offer to buy me but I said NO each time, look anymore, yeh integrity is not good just for your conscience anymore, yeh naya Baharat hai, sudhar jao nahi toh sudhar diye jaoge."

The company promoted by Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal was being operated from Dubai. It allegedly used the online book betting application to enroll new users, create IDs and launder money through a layered web of benami bank accounts.

As per the digital evidence gathered by the Enforcement Directorate, Rs 112 crore was delivered via hawala to an event management company, while payment for hotel bookings, costing Rs 42 crore was made in cash, sources revealed last month. Last month, the agency conducted multiple raids in cities like Kolkata, Delhi and Mumbai and seized assets worth Rs 417 crore in connection with the online betting case.

Earlier in August, the agency claimed that at least four persons were arrested in connection with the case.