New Delhi: Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon, who recently was diagnosed with the deadly novel coronavirus, decided to take time off and relax. She watched 'Raabta' starring Sushant Singh Rajput and shared a sneak-peek on Instagram as her story.


Kriti Sanon's post took fans on a nostalgia trip. Take a look:

Raabta featured late actor Sushant Singh Rajput and Kriti Sanon in lead roles. It was helmed by Dinesh Vijan. 

Recently, Kriti Sanon who came back to the city after her shoot in Chandigarh recently has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and shared the news with fans on social media. 

She has been advised quarantine by her doctors and is keeping well. The actress urged her fans to stay safe amid this pandemic and thanked them for the warm wishes. 

Kriti was recently papped at the Mumbai airport upon her return from Chandigarh where she was shooting with Rajkummar Rao for their upcoming venture, reportedly.