Mumbai: Payal Rohatgi and Sangram Singh, who tied the knot in 2022, are making headlines for an alleged marital spat that has left fans and netizens divided. A video of the couple’s verbal altercation, reportedly uploaded by Payal herself, has gone viral, showing the former actress accusing Sangram of mistreating her and dragging his family into the argument.


The clip shows Payal filming her husband Sangram while questioning his behavior. She can be heard saying,“Tumhare ghar mein aurato ke sath aise baat ki jaati hai. Tum log padhe-likhe nahi ho theek hai, par aise baat ki jaati hai (Is this how women are spoken to in your family? Fine, you’re uneducated, but is this how one talks?).”

Payal Rohatgi shared an ugly fighting video with her husband, Sangram Singh on her YouTube channel
byuitsmenandini inBollywoodShaadis

Payal’s remarks escalated further as she criticised Sangram’s family, suggesting they upheld patriarchal practices such as women staying in ghunghat and being confined to domestic duties. She said, “Gaon mein sab ghunghat wali aurate hi padi hui hai tumhare, unka kaam kya hai ghunghat karna aur bacha paida karna aur khana banana (All the women in your village stay in veils, their only work is to bear children and cook).”

She also warned Sangram not to taunt her about her inability to conceive, adding, "Aur mujhe taunt mat maarna, mujhe taunt mat maarna ki tu bacha nahi paida kar sakti (Don’t taunt me about not being able to bear a child)."

The video has garnered mixed reactions from viewers. Many criticised Payal for airing their personal issues publicly and for her harsh remarks about Sangram’s family and background. Some even suggested that she might be dealing with mental health issues, given the intensity of her accusations.


Sangram Singh, who is known for his calm demeanor, seemed to handle the situation lightly in the video, trying to de-escalate the argument. However, his response was overshadowed by Payal’s strong words, leaving viewers divided about who was in the wrong.

Given Payal Rohatgi’s history of controversies and candid opinions, some speculate this could be a deliberate attempt to draw attention. However, others believe the video reflects genuine marital discord, highlighting unresolved issues in their relationship.