New Delhi: In a recent viral moment, Rashmika Mandanna paused an ongoing interview to interact with a fan who was visibly upset after being pushed away by a security guard. The fan, holding a sketch he had made, was moved to tears whereas Rashmika took a moment to carefully examine the fan’s artwork, signed an autograph, and ensured that the fan was okay, displaying a rare level of compassion and attentiveness.


The moment can be viewed here:

2. Selfie on the Go:
Even while in route to another commitment, Rashmika took the time to grant a fan’s selfie request, showing her approachable and accommodating demeanor. 

3. Playful Moments:

Rashmika showcased her playful side by engaging with a group of young girls. After sharing some sweet words, she embraced them with hugs and kisses, proving her fun-loving and affectionate nature.

Watch the video:

4. Heartwarming Name Connection:

During a public interview, Rashmika had a touching moment with a young fan who shares her name. The encounter included a handshake, a high-five, and a sweet kiss on the cheek, creating a memorable experience for the little admirer. 

5. Selfie Joy:
An enthusiastic fan got the chance to take a selfie with Rashmika, and the joy on both their faces highlighted the spontaneous and genuine connection she fosters with her supporters.

Watch the video: