New Delhi: Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor became a father for the second time on September 5, 2018. His wife, Mira Rajput Kapoor gave birth to a baby boy and wishes for the couple are still pouring in! Everybody had been waiting to know the name of the baby and the moment is finally here! Daddy Shahid announced the name of his son on Twitter, thanking everybody for their wishes.


Shahid wrote, "Zain Kapoor is here and we feel complete. Thank you for all the wishes and blessings. We are overjoyed and so grateful. Love to all."

Well, we are overjoyed to welcome Zain to the world! This is the couple's second child after Misha, who was born on August 26, 2016. The adorable 'little Missy' is the paparazzi's favourite baby and her pictures go viral in no time. Shahid and Mira often share pictures of Misha on social media and the little one is now a big sister to Zain! We can't wait to see the first pics!