Mumbai: Shehnaaz Gill and Sidharth Shukla’s bond continues to resonate deeply with fans, even years after his untimely demise in 2021. Recently, a video of Shehnaaz has gone viral, showcasing an emotional moment during a session with a mind reader. In the clip, the mind reader asks Shehnaaz to think of a name, and without hesitation, identifies it as Sidharth Shukla. This revelation leaves Shehnaaz visibly emotional and taken aback.


While SidNaaz fans have praised the video as a testament to Shehnaaz’s eternal love for Sidharth, others have criticized her, accusing her of seeking sympathy by revisiting her emotional connection with the late actor. One user on the video commented, "Itna difficult question UPSC Mein Pucha Chahie Tha". Another user commented, " Sympathy kitna legi.


Shehnaaz and Sidharth’s relationship, which began during Bigg Boss 13, remains one of the most cherished love stories in Indian reality television history. Fans continue to celebrate their bond while debating the actress’s public expressions of her grief and love.