New Delhi: In an unfortunate incident, actress Shilpa Shetty broke her leg while shooting for her upcoming project, ‘Indian Police Force’. Sharing a post on Instagram about the accident, the actress wrote, “They said, Roll camera action - “break a leg!” I took it literally. Out of action for 6 weeks, but I’ll be back soon stronger and better. Till then, dua mein yaad rakhiyega  Prayers always work With gratitude, Shilpa Shetty Kundra.” 


In the picture, we can clearly see that her left leg is tied with bandages making her unable to walk or stand. However, the fitness enthusiast can be seen smiling in the picture with a victory sign.  

Actress and dancer Shamita Shetty was quick to share her concern for sister Shilpa. “My munki strongest,” the actress wrote with biceps and heart emojis. Actress Sophie Chaudhary also shared her concern and wrote, “Omg!! Get well soon Superwoman Shilpa.” 

As soon as she shared her health update, the comments from fans started pouring in asking her to take care and rest. “Prayers headed your way,” commented one user. “Oh lord!!! Feel better soonest,” added another.  

Shilpa Shetty was shooting for Rohit Shetty’s debut web series ‘Indian Police Force’ when she injured herself. It is an upcoming cop drama and will release on Amazon Prime Video. The series also stars Siddharth Malhotra, Nikitan Dheer and Isha Talwar in prominent roles. This is the first time Rohit Shetty is venturing into the world of OTT. A day ago, he had shared a BTS video of a fight scene from ‘Indian Police Force’ captioning it as ‘Pure Desi Hindustaani Action!’ 

Quite vocal about yoga and fitness, Shilpa Shetty is known for her perfect figure in Bollywood. She was last seen in Sabbir Khan’s ‘Nikamma’ starring Abhimanyu Dassani and Shirley Setia.