New Delhi: Actor Kunal Kemmu treated his Instafam to an unseen video from his wedding to actress Soha Ali Khan on their wedding anniversary. Soha and Kunal, who are parents to a daughter named Inaaya Naumi, are celebrating five years of togetherness on Saturday (January 25). 


Kunal shared the 2-minute long video with a beautiful caption for Soha. The clip features the couple, along with their family members like Sharmila Tagore, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor and others. The video gives a sneak peek of their dreamy wedding, sangeet and mehendi ceremonies. 

"Happy Anniversary. It's been 5 years and it seems like a good time to share my happiness with everyone. Thank you for being your wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful self. Thank you for all the smiles and tears thank you for all the hugs and stares. Thank you for being my friend thank you for being my wife. Thank you for making me a father and giving me a new life," Kunal captioned his post. 

Soha, too, shared the same video and simply wrote, "Happy anniversary."

Watch the video here. (PS: Don't miss Kareena's blink-and-miss dance performance).

Happy anniversary, Soha and Kunal!

Soha and Kunal married in an extremely private wedding in Mumbai. The ceremony was only attended by their respective families and close friends. They fell in love on the sets of 2009 film 'Dhoondte Reh Jaaoge'. Kunal proposed to Soha in Paris. The couple has worked together in 'Dhoondte Reh Jaaoge', '99' and 'Go Goa Gone'. Inaaya was born to them in September 2017. 

On the work front, Soha Ali Khan hasn't made any screen appearance after 2018's 'Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster 3' while Kunal Kemmu's next film is 'Malang'.