New Delhi: South actor Nitya Shetty, who began her career as a child artist in the film industry, is quite an avid social media user. The actor often leaves temperature soaring on social media with her sizzling avatars. She recently took to Instagram and dropped another piping hot video of her where she is seen getting inside a bathtub. The video begins with Nitya wrapped in a towel with her back towards the camera. She then strikes some sultry poses while seated inside a bathtub. At the end, she is seen sipping on some champagne. 


The actor shared the video with the caption reading, "reparing for the weekend...Healing, unlearning and rejuvenating. The act of keeping your own promises to yourself is the point."

Soon after she dropped the video, users began trolling the actor and called her by names. Some of them accused her of trying to seek attention with such videos. 

"Why are you downgrading yourself?" read a comment.

Another wrote, "Cheap lag rehi hai."

Speaking of the work front, Nitya Shetty is widely known for her acting prowess in films like 'Devullu', 'Thalaivi', and the Zee5 web series 'Hello World'. The two-time Nandi Award-winner began her in 1999 and did 20 films as a child artist before taking up senior roles. She won Nandi Award for Best Child Actress for her performances in 'Chinni Chinni Aasha' and 'Little Hearts'. In 2019, she appeared in the Telugu film 'Nuvvu Thopu Raa' and the Tamil film 'Aghavan'.