New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan and wife Gauri's daughter Suhana Khan often makes headlines for her trendy outfits, appearances. She is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's 'The Archies' alongside Sridevi's younger daughter Khushi Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agastya Nanda among others. The rumours of Agastya and Suhana dating have been doing rounds for quite some time now, amid all this, Suhana was seen receiving a flying kiss from Nanda and the video has now taken over the internet.


Shweta Bachchan Nanda's son Agastya Nanda was spotted giving a flying kiss to his rumoured girlfriend Suhana Khan last night after Tania Shroff's birthday bash. Agastya came to drop Suhana at her car and gave her a flying kiss as she left the party.  Both the star kids were caught on video and it has now taken over social media as fans are impressed by their love unfolding moment.

The rumours of the two dating started when their picture from a vacation went viral on social media. Also, Suhana shared a cosy picture of herself with Agastya on his birthday writing 'Birthday Boy' with a red heart emoji.

(Image courtesy: Suhana Khan's fanpage- Instagram)

Suhana, Agastya starrer 'The Archies' will release on OTT giant Netflix, the makers are yet to announce the date.