New Delhi: There are a few star kids in Bollywood who ace their fashion game like a pro. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana is surely one of them. The pretty girl was recently spotted at Arth in Khar Mumbai last night.


Suhana rocked the white-on-white outfit like a true blue fashion star. She wore a white tee with a cool knot in front which looked more like a crop top. Suhana's white fitted denims and golden-biege wedges made her a party perfect look.

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(Pic Courtesy: Yogen Shah)

Suhana's coloured hair and chic jewellery too ticked all the right boxes for a perfect night out.

A few days back, her pictures from a wedding went viral where she was seen posing with her gang of girls.

Shah Rukh's daughter is one of the most famous star kids on social media. Although her real account is private on Instagram yet there are several fan pages dedicated to her and they manage to get their hands on the latest buzz about the pretty one.