Mumbai: Sushmita Sen revealed on her Instagram live on Saturday that she survived a major heart attack, adding further that 95 per cent blockage was found in her main artery. On Thursday, the former Miss Universe first publicly revealed that she had undergone angioplasty. Sushmita took to social media on Saturday to thank her fans all across the world and the team of doctors who `leased a new life` for her. 


The `Aarya` actor said that it was due to gym and healthy lifestyle she follows that helped her surviving heart attack. "I know a lot of you will stop going to the gym and say, `it did not help her.` But that is not good. It did help me. I survived a very big heart attack. It was massive with 95 per cent blockage in the main artery. I survived because I have kept an active lifestyle. I am very lucky to be on the other side. It doesn`t put fear in me, instead, I now have a feeling of promise to look forward to something," said the actor. 

Sushmita added, "When you get a new lease to life, you respect it and are careful and that is when you learn to exercise and strengthen your will even more." The actor also cautioned young people in the age group of the 20s to monitor their hearts at regular basis. Sushmita said, she is doing perfectly well though she has not overcome her sore throat fully.  

Watch the video shared by Sushmita Sen

The `Biwi No 1` actor is eager to come back to the shooting floor. She said, "Once I get a clearance from my doctors, I will be off to Jaipur to finish Aarya and I will also be working on the dubbing for `Taali`." On Thursday, Sushmita wrote in her Instagram post, "Keep your heart happy & courageous, and it`ll stand by you when you need it the most Shona" (Wise words by my father @sensubir ) I suffered a heart attack a couple of days back...Angioplasty done...stent in place...and most importantly, my cardiologist reconfirmed `I do have a big heart`. Lots of people to thank for their timely aid & constructive action...will do so in another post!. This post is just to keep you (my well-wishers & loved ones) informed of the good news ...that all is well & I am ready for some life again!!! I love you guys beyond!!!"