
LIC Unclaimed Maturity Amount: How To Check It Online And Claim Unclaimed Money With LIC; Details Explained

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) scheme's easy installment option allows for payments to be made with ease, thus meaning long-term savings for lakhs of policyholders. 

LIC Unclaimed Account Reasons
LIC Unclaimed Account Reasons

In several instances, account holders are unable to deposit the premium due to several reasons and do not even surrender the policy. In such a situation, their money remains with LIC. This money is deemed unclaimed if no claim is filed for a certain period. 

LIC Unclaimed Account Reasons
LIC Unclaimed Account Reasons

LIC unclaimed claims can include death claims, maturity claims, survival benefits, or indemnity claims.

Check LIC Unclaimed Money Online
Check LIC Unclaimed Money Online

Should you feel you also have some unclaimed money with LIC then you are free to claim it. LIC provides the facility to policyholders and their dependents to conveniently check online for any form of unclaimed amount and claim the amount.

How To Check LIC Unclaimed And Outstanding Amounts To Policyholders Online
How To Check LIC Unclaimed And Outstanding Amounts To Policyholders Online

Visit LIC website

  Click customer service   Select the 'unclaimed amounts of policyholders' option.   Enter LIC policy number, name, date of birth, and PAN card number.   Now Press the submit button

If the policyholders have any money in LIC, it will be visible.

How To Claim The Unclaimed LIC Money?
How To Claim The Unclaimed LIC Money?

To claim any outstanding amount, you must get in touch with the LIC office. You must apply for this, together with the required documents and KYC. 

LIC Unclaimed Amount Transferred In Bank A/c
LIC Unclaimed Amount Transferred In Bank A/c

Following submission, LIC will start the process of paying the unpaid balance. In a few days, your funds will be transferred to the bank account linked to the insurance.


What Do The Rules State About Unclaimed LIC Accounts?
What Do The Rules State About Unclaimed LIC Accounts?

IRDAI regulations provide that any money left unclaimed for more than 10 years is transferred to the Senior Citizen Welfare Fund, which is used for the benefit of senior citizens. If no claims are made for 25 years after the transfer to the Senior Citizens Welfare Fund, the money will be transferred to the central government.

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