As part of the project Build the Earth (BTE), gamers are recreating iconic places inside the Minecraft game. The project was kicked off by Youtuber PippenFTS in March last year to encourage gamers to kill time amid the pandemic.
One such gamer, Daniel Tan, has now created the Taj Mahal inside the Minecraft game. Besides Taj Mahal, Tan has also created other iconic locations which are among the Seventh Wonders of the World.
A French builder who goes by the name Azguendare on Twitter recreated the Eiffel Towel inside Minecraft. It took serval months to complete the ambitious project. But the results are absolutely majestic.
Minecraft builders have taken the Buil the Earth project too seriously, as one of them decided to recreate the iconic Dinsey Land located in Los Angeles. The builder goes by the name Walter.
Builders upped the ante by recreating the Mercedes-Benz Stadium inside Minecraft. The iconic stadium looks mesmerizing even in the game. It was built by an Instagram user named Phats.
The main aim of the Build the Earth project is to recreate every place inside Minecraft. While the task appears to be a bit ambitious, gamers are striving and have already created a lot of iconic locations and cities.