The stunning Bong beauty Priya Priyamvada is a Kolkata based fashion blogger, model cum actress who has bagged her maiden venture opposite none other than dashing Tiger Shroff. She will be seen in a Bollywood film with the 'Baaghi 2' star and this makes it her dream debut. The title of the film has not been revealed as of now but this venture can surely be a game changer for the actress's film career. Tiger is the nation's heartthrob who has an ocean of female fan following drooling over his hot bod. The actor will be next seen in 'Student Of The Year 2' which marks the debut of Ananya Panday and Tara Sutaria. It has been directed by Punit Malhotra and is backed by Karan Joha's Dharma Productions. Check out Priya's sizzling pictures:
Priya has been a winner of the Miss Odisha Stylish title. The budding star hails from a royal family and has shot for several known brands. She struggled hard during her initial days.
The actress is keen to work with B-Town bigwigs such as Hrithik Roshan and Akshay Kumar.
The title of the film has not been revealed as of now but this venture can surely be a game changer for the actress's film career.
She will be seen in a Bollywood film with the 'Baaghi 2' star and this makes it her dream debut.
Priya has been a winner of the Miss Odisha Stylish title.
The actress is keen to work with B-Town bigwigs such as Hrithik Roshan and Akshay Kumar.