Asia`s largest tulip garden witnesses huge hit of 50,000 visitors in just 5 days

Asia's largest tulip garden, situated on the banks of the Dal Lake in Jammu and Kashmir, recorded a huge hit of visitors this week. 

Zee News Mar 31, 2021, 13:09 PM IST,

The iconic garden opens up its doors

The iconic garden has nearly 15 lakh varieties of Tulip, spread over 35 acres of land, was officially thrown open by LG’s advisor Baseer Ahmed Khan. (Pic Credit: ANI)


Happy faces everywhere

The garden was thrown open for the visitors after a gap of two years and witnessed the arrival of 4500 visitors tourists on day one. Visitors were seen clicking pictures and enjoying the natural gift. (Pic Credit: ANI)


Flowers in full bloom

Tulip garden can be considered as Kasmir's very own- flower bouquet that adds beauty to the Earth's paradise. The beautiful tulips stay in bloom from three to four weeks. 


COVID-19 measures being followed in letter and spirit

In wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, adequate measures have been taken and it has been decided that no visitor would be allowed to enter the garden without face masks.

Tourists will be undergoing thermal scanning as they visit the garden and the authorities have installed sanitiser machines inside. Visitors are advised to maintain social distancing. (Pic Credit: ANI)


The majestic garden

The “majestic’’ tulip garden, as quoted by PM Modi is one of the main attractions for tourists in Kashmir. Earlier, the Prime Minister in his tweet urged the people to come and witness the beauty of this garden and Kasmir. (Pic Credit: ANI)


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