
6 Famous Books People Claim to Have Read But Probably Haven't

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

'War and Peace' is widely considered one of the greatest novels ever written, but at over 1,200 pages, it is also one of the most daunting. Set during the Napoleonic Wars, the novel explores the lives of five aristocratic families as they navigate love, war, and peace. Tolstoy’s exploration of philosophy, history, and human nature is brilliant, but the sheer volume of characters, events, and Tolstoy’s detailed prose often make readers put it aside, despite its fame.


Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville

Despite the iconic “Call me Ishmael” opening line, many people never make it much farther into 'Moby-Dick'. The novel tells the tale of Captain Ahab’s obsessive quest to kill the white whale that crippled him. While the adventure plot is exciting, Melville’s dense, encyclopedic digressions on whaling, marine biology, and philosophy can be off-putting to readers. As a result, many claim to have read 'Moby-Dick' but rarely get beyond the first few chapters.


Ulysses by James Joyce
Ulysses by James Joyce

James Joyce’s 'Ulysses; is hailed as a modernist masterpiece, but its stream-of-consciousness style, obscure references, and dense narrative make it a challenging read. Set over a single day, the novel follows Leopold Bloom as he wanders through Dublin. 'Ulysses' is famous for its experimental techniques and deep symbolism, but these very elements make it impenetrable for many. Though many recognise its importance in literary history, few finish this complex work.


The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Dostoevsky’s 'The Brothers Karamazov' is a philosophical exploration of faith, free will, and morality. The novel follows the turbulent relationships between the Karamazov family, centring on the murder of the father and the resulting investigation. While the novel is profound in its insights, its heavy philosophical content, long monologues, and complicated narrative structure make it difficult for many readers to engage with. As a result, it is often a novel that people start with good intentions but never complete.


Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

'Don Quixote' is often hailed as the first modern novel, and its influence on Western literature is undeniable. The story of an ageing nobleman who becomes a self-proclaimed knight-errant and sets off on comically misguided adventures has enchanted readers for centuries. However, its length and the archaic style of the original Spanish (or even its English translations) make it a challenging read. While many know the character of Don Quixote, few can claim to have made it through both volumes of this classic.


Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

While not as old as some of the other entries on this list, 'Infinite Jest' has already garnered a reputation as one of the most challenging reads of the 20th century. Wallace’s sprawling, 1,000-page novel mixes postmodern narrative techniques with footnotes, digressions, and an enormous cast of characters. Set in a dystopian future where entertainment is a form of addiction, the novel explores a wide range of topics from mental health to consumerism. Its complexity has made it a favourite for literary scholars, but a difficult read for casual readers.


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