
7 Simple Ways To Increase The Intake Of Water

Are you also tired of always being asked to drink more water for healthy benefits ? But no one actually tells how to incorporate the water in your daily  life. Here are the 7 simple ways to drink more water.


Drink Before Meals:
Drink Before Meals:

This is another simple way to drink more water. Build a habit of drinking water before your meals along with the sipping technique. 


Sip The Water:
Sip The Water:

Might be you are drinking water in a wrong way. Do not gulp a lot of water at a time. Try sipping a drink technique by taking small sips of the water. This can help you to increase the water intake. 


Take Water As Tea:
Take Water As Tea:

You can incorporate water in the form of tea but without milk. Go for herbal teas. This will allow our body to feel good and you will hydrate your body too. 


Set Daily Goals:
Set Daily Goals:

Over bulking and forcing might lead you to feeling pressure and you might end up coming back to zero. S try to set short daily goals. For example, set a daily goal of drinking 4 glasses of  water.

Make It tasty:
Make It tasty:

Drinking adequate water seems a task because there is actually no taste. So why not try adding some flavours to the water. Squeeze lemon, honey and salt, mint water etc. This will keep your tongue awake and hydrated at the same time.


Carry Pet Water Bottle:
Carry Pet Water Bottle:

Carry a small compact water bottle if carrying a huge water bottle seems a task. This will allow you to drink more water and you will never be in a thirsty situation.


Set Digit Reminder:
Set Digit Reminder:

We all are somehow addicted to ir smartphones or why not use them for better health. Set a daily reminder in your phone. Which will help to follow the commitment you have made. 


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