
Romance Horoscope: 5 Zodiac Signs Which Are Most Likely To Fall In Love Easily - In Pics

Love is a beautiful feeling that makes everything around you appear beautiful. While it's a universal emotion, different people react to love in different ways. According to astrologers, your approach to love is significantly impacted by your zodiac sign. While some signs are more practical, others tend to be more romantic. Astrologer Poonam Agarwal of All India Institute of Occult Science picks five zodiac signs which are likely to fall in love easily. 

5 Most Romantic Zodiac Signs
5 Most Romantic Zodiac Signs

Astrologer Poonam Agarwal of All India Institute of Occult Science lists five zodiac signs which are considered the most romantic, whose natives tend to fall in love easily. (Image by Freepik)

Taurus - Reliable In Romance
Taurus - Reliable In Romance

An earth sign ruled by a romantic planet, Venus, Taurus loves to be charmed and captivated in love. They are very generous and down to earth and easily get attracted towards emotional beings. Candlelight dinners, roses, lavish restaurants and beach walks are also some of their favourites in a relationship as Taureans tend to be materialistic. They love to be adored by their partners so they tend to easily open up about their feelings and take their relationships to the next level. Being an earthy sign, Taureans fall for a deep-rooted and stable relationship. They are the most reliable lovers who believe in commitment and security. Taureans go out of their way to know the person they have a crush on. They get smitten by class and confidence. They appreciate inner and outer beauty and look for sensual, romantic and intelligent partners.  (Image by Pixabay)

Cancer - The Vulnerable Lover
Cancer - The Vulnerable Lover

The sign of sacred emotions, Cancer is one of the zodiacs who fall in love easily. It is ruled by the Moon, a planet with a wide range of emotions. So, they easily fall for someone who is emotionally deep-rooted. Although they shy away from their feelings, they fall for a person who lets aside their shield and invites them into their realm. Cancerians are sensuous, intuitive, extremely passionate and tender lovers. They fall for a relationship which meets their expectations to last a lifetime. They have a lot of love to give and at times it leads to fervent romance. They are in sync with what their heart wants. Cancerians easily fall for a person who is prone to open communication in a relationship. They are nurturers and dreamers Being with a Cancerian makes your life full of beautiful streamers. (Image by Pixabay)

Libra - The Diplomatic Lovers
Libra - The Diplomatic Lovers

A zodiac ruled by Venus who has all appreciation for the beauty of love, Librans, with their diplomatic skills and fair-mindedness are attracted towards relationships which bring a sense of equilibrium to their lives. They are eagerly bent towards healthy and loving relationships. Libra, symbolising balance, knows the right words to say and treats their partners in the best way. They are naturally romantic. They hate being loners. So, they are tempted towards partnerships. They succumb to wealthy and elegant partners. Librans express their love with beautiful flowers, exquisite gifts, elegant dates, and dining at fashionable restaurants. Beach walks, holding hands and everything that gives a romantic touch to things are synonymous with Librans. Librans are inherent lovers. (Image by Pixabay)

Sagittarius - The 'Free' Lovers
Sagittarius - The 'Free' Lovers

Saggitarians, the adventurers are open, free and dynamic and tend to fall in love very quickly. They are risk-takers and are never scared of giving a shot to any love relationship. They are humorous and enthusiastic and bend towards partners who truly understand their desire to travel the world. They aren’t shy and are willing to show their affection towards their partners to the entire world. It also shows that they are also not slow in love. Being highly optimistic and straightforward in their dealings, they crave healthy partnerships. Sagittarians are always on a thrilling roller coaster ride - so expect fun and excitement in their relationships. They create memories to deepen their connection. (Image by Pixabay)

Pisces - The Forever Romantics
Pisces - The Forever Romantics

Pisces holds the most lovable spot for Venus, the planet of beauty and love. Thus, Pisces is undoubtedly, the most romantic sign among the zodiacs who fall in love easily, truly and wholeheartedly. Being a water sign, Pisceans are gentle souls. They are armed with boundless, limitless and unconditional love. They do not create barriers around love. They are quite emotional and demonstrative in their relationships, so they seek a partner who can be a true soulmate. In love, one should be able to hold each other’s joy and sufferings without any reluctance or judgment and the qualities of a Pisces make them true " empaths” among the zodiacs. So, one easily feels loved, connected and supported through thick and thin when they are with a Piscean. (Image by Pixabay)

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