This endangered species originated from Southeast Asia and are rarely spotted in Wolong National Nature Reserve. They are 12.5-13.5 inches long and weigh 130-175 kgs. Now only less than 40 of them are left.
They are from Sumatra region of Indonesia. They weigh 500-800 kgs and are 250 cm in length. They are particularly found in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park and Way Kambas National Park. Now less than 80 of them are around.
They originated from Southeastern Russia and Northern China and weigh around 32.2-48 kgs. They are 42-54 inches in length. Now there are only less than 100 Amur Leopards left.
This endangered species originated from Nigeria and Cameroon. They are inhabited in Dense Rainforests and can be seen in Mbe Mountains, Cameroon and Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary, Nigeria. They are 1.4-1.7 metres in length and weigh about 100 kgs. Only around 300 gorilla’s of this species are left now.
Originating from the Southern United States, the endangered animal are can be found near Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. They are 1.4-1.7 metres in length and weigh around 20-36 kgs. There are only 300 Red Wolves left now.
This Species is from Chambal river sanctuary from Madhya Pradesh, India and it is also endangered. They are 6 metres in length and weigh around 160 kgs. Now only less than 900 gharials are left in the world.
Also known as Asian Unicorn are an Endangered species originating from Vietnam, Laos. They are 1-1.5 metres in length and weigh around 100 kgs. There are only 100 of them left and are very rarely seen.