The Patna-Howrah Vande Bharat Express has been flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi through video-conferencing on Sunday, September 24, 2023. It is Bihar's second Vande Bharat Express, as the first one, which runs between Patna and Ranchi, was flagged off on June 27. Along with it, the prime minister flagged off eight other Vande Bharat Expresses, and said the day is not far when these semi-high speed trains will connect all parts of the country.


The inaugural function at the Patna Junction station, organised by the East Central Railway (ECR), was attended by Union ministers Nityanand Rai and Ashwini Choubey, and state BJP president Samrat Choudhary, an MLC.

Patna-Howrah Vande Bharat Express: Timing

The Patna-Howrah Vande Bharat Express will start its regular run on September 26, ECR's Chief Public Relations Officer Birendra Kumar told PTI. This train will run six days a week, except Wednesdays, he said.

It will leave Patna Junction at 8 am and reach West Bengal's Howrah, around 532 km away, at 2.35 pm. On its return journey, the train will leave Howrah at 3.50 pm and reach Patna Junction at 10.40 pm, he added.

Patna-Howrah Vande Bharat Express: Route

The Patna-Howrah Vande Bharat Express train will have stops at Patna Sahib, Mokama, Lakhisarai, Jasidih, Jamtara, Asansol and Durgapur. The train connects Bihar with West Bengal, and falls on a high occupancy route.

Patna-Howrah Vande Bharat Express: Fare

The fare for the AC Executive Class on the Patna-Howrah Vande Bharat Express is Rs 2,325 without food, and Rs 1,160 in AC chair car.