Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut is now a name to reckon with, the ‘Queen’ of Bollywood, who has three National Film Awards to her credit already! The curly-haired beauty recently made a startling revelation about the experience of working with Telugu hunk and Baahubali superstar Prabhas.


Talking about her association with Prabhas for a Telugu film almost about 8 years ago, Kangana, during an event said that she used to have massive fights with him.

According to a report in originally attributed to ABN news, the ‘Rangoon’ star said she used to have fights with Prabhas but is now happy to see him successful.

“I feel so happy to see Prabhas doing so well. When we started that time, we used to fight a lot and I remember we had this massive fight when we stopped talking to each other. Then I saw Baahubali and I was like ‘Wow!’ I am so proud of his achievement and I am sure he feels the same,” Kangana was quoted as saying.

Kangana had teamed up with Prabhas for a Puri Jagganadh film titled ‘Ek Niranjan’.