Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is learning Telugu for her role in RRR, which marks her debut film in Telugu. The 'Kalank' actor gave an interview to a popular entertainment portal on her film in the south and revealed that she will be dubbing for her role Sita, for which she has paired up with Ram Charan Tej. She said that she has recruited a tutor and added, “I am prepping up for my role and it is pretty tough. Rajamouli was on my bucket list of directors. Not just because of Baahubali, but for the creative imagination he always has. I have watched his films like Magadheera and Eega. His concepts are simply mind-blowing.”


She reportedly added that Rajamouli is someone who knows the taste of the audience and is making a film for those people who want to watch his films. “The emotions and story of every of his film are so strong. Well, RRR is going to be a powerful one,” she added. 

It’s good to hear from a heroine like Alia saying that she’s learning to speak and understand Telugu. Unfortunately, there are a few heroines who are in the industry for more than a decade now, but still can’t speak in Telugu. 

RRR will release on July 20, 2020 and also has Jr NTR and others in key roles. The film is produced by DVV Danayya under DVV Entertainments. Keeravani is composing tunes for this film which has Ajay Devgn and Samuthirakhani in key roles.