New Delhi: Savarakathi, a black comedy-drama by GR Adithya has hit the screens today and the audience has given it a big thumbs up. The film features Ram, Mysskin and Poorna in the lead roles. It has been written and produced by Mysskin.


Savarakathi music is composed by Arrol Corelli and cinematography is done by Karthik Venkatraman. The film has been appreciated for its classic dark comedy and black humour.

While the audience is enjoying this Tamil drama, check out what some of the critics have to say about it:

“Savarakathi might be directed by GR Adithya, but it clearly feels like a Mysskin film. I don’t know if it is because they are related. Everything we have come to expect from the director is present probably in a watered-down fashion.

The premise is convenient. But the antics on screen are enough to keep us engaged. There is a brilliant sequence with Pichai in a dustbin and a garbage collector goes on about picking litter from the bin completely nonplussed about Pichai’s presence — Mysskin’s way of saying ‘you might be knee-deep in your garbage, but everyone has their own to take care of.’ The humour works whenever it goes beyond men dropping their pants to pee in the open — something the men in the film seem to have a liking for.” Indian Express

“Mysskin as Manga is mostly over the top and at times annoying, but only someone as eccentric and equally brilliant as Mysskin can write such a character. He plays the part fittingly, making us hate as well as empathize with the character. Ram as Pichai is loud throughout and the only logical explanation behind this could be the fact that he has a wife with hearing impairment and it requires him to speak loudly to be heard. Poorna as Ram’s pregnant wife is outstanding and plays her part with conviction and aplomb. After impressing with Pisasu and Thupparivaalan, Arrol Corelli’s music, especially the score towards the climax, is one of the highlights of the film.” Hindustan Times

“The first half of Savarakkathi holds a lot of surprises if you go expecting a dark film. There are quite a few quirky-funny moments — a guy gets hit in the crotch and has to bear the pain throughout the film. The comedy of errors that lead up to the engaging interval block might just about rank among the best sequences of the year.

For a film that thrives on situational comedy, the hard-hitting portions in the second half strike a high note. There are emotional notes as well; a lady is hard of hearing, a groom-to-be who is physically challenged and a tea seller who cannot speak.” The Hindu