London: Barriers to research collaboration in Europe as a result of Brexit would be harmful to scientific progress, according to a group of leading UK universities.


Any barriers "would be bad for the UK and bad for Europe," said Tim Bradshaw, acting director of Russell Group of research intensive universities.

The group said that there will be "no winners" if Brexit results in barriers between researchers and has pledged to work with "all sides to secure a positive outcome".

Bradshaw said that there had been "huge breakthroughs in medicine, engineering, and any number of fields" as a result of joint working, which he promised would continue after Brexit, 'BBC News' reported.

"We want to maintain the closest possible relationships with colleagues across the EU, and research must be a priority during talks," he added.

He called for the rights of EU students and staff at UK universities to be guaranteed after Brexit.

"We value our EU colleagues very highly and need urgent assurances, that after Brexit, they will retain the same rights to stay and work in the UK that they have now," Bradshaw said.

Almost half of all UK academic articles result from international collaboration and EU member states are some of its biggest partners.