New Delhi: An image of a rock feature on the Red planet clicked 13 years ago by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was recently spotted by the users.


NASA first spotted the huge crater on Mars in 2005 and named the image as 'Chryse Alien Head'.

The image came to light when the UFO researcher Scott C Waring wrote an article about it and said that the crater on the Martian surface was a monumental carving of an extraterrestrial being. As per a report in the Metro, the crater on Mars was probably caused by an asteroid impact, but the eyes may have formed during a mysterious flood way back in the history of Mars or been carved by wind or water erosion.

The US space agency insists that the rock is just a meteorite impact crater that has been left in the unusual form by later erosion, as reported.

Scott C Waring wrote on his website, 'This was found and recorded by NASA on Jan 26, 2005 and yet no one has ever heard of it until now.'

The image captured by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) shows an impact crater in Chryse Planitia, not too far from the Viking 1 lander site, that too seems to resemble a bug-eyed head. 

The two odd depressions at the north end of the crater (the 'eyes') may have formed by wind or water erosion.