London: Whistle-blower website WikiLeaks on Thursday condemned the threat by Britain to storm the Ecuador embassy where founder Julian Assange is holed up to avoid extradition to Sweden.
In a statement, the website said it condemned "in strongest possible terms the UK’s resort to intimidation".
Britain has mentioned the option of entering the embassy to arrest Assange in a letter delivered in Ecuador capital Quito. WikiLeaks said: "Any transgression against the sanctity of the embassy is a unilateral and shameful act, and a violation of the Vienna Convention, which protects embassies worldwide.”
"This threat is designed to pre-empt Ecuador`s imminent decision on whether it will grant Julian Assange political asylum, and to bully Ecuador into a decision that is agreeable to the United Kingdom and its allies".
It added: "A threat of this nature is a hostile and extreme act, which is not proportionate to the circumstances, and an unprecedented assault on the rights of asylum seekers worldwide.”
"We draw attention to the fact that the United Nations General Assembly has unanimously declared in Resolution 2312 (1967) that `the grant of asylum... Is a peaceful and humanitarian act and that, as such, it cannot be regarded as unfriendly by any other State`." The statement added: "We note with interest that this development coincides with the UK Secretary of State William Hague`s assumption of executive responsibilities during the vacation of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister".