London: A Chinese inventor has designed a car that is capable of traveling on sand, water and ice - apart from regular roads.
The all-terrain vehicle, which has a top speed of 62mph and works like a hovercraft, can move seamlessly between different surfaces.
Designer Yuhan Zhang created the spectacular car - called the Volkswagen Aqua - for a competition sponsored by the German car manufacturer, which asked designers to come up with a ‘Chinese off-road vehicle’. It features a shiny, sleek design with four fans and integrated airbags that inflate to make it hover.
One of the motors inflates a ‘skirt’ around the vehicle to lift it off the ground, while the other drives it forward and controls direction.
The car, which is based on technology that is currently available, is also environmentally friendly as its two motors are powered by a hydrogen fuel cell - with zero carbon emissions. “There is no better form of transport than an air cushion vehicle because it travels equally well over land, ice and water,” the Daily Mail quoted Zhang as saying.
“I hope Aqua will become an affordable supercar that is available to the general public one day,” he said.