New Delhi: In a significant move which can reduce the fuel bill of defence forces, DRDO is experimenting with bio-diesel for military vehicles such as the bullet-proof Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs).
The field trials of the bio-diesel on military vehicles are being conducted at DRDO`s Pune-based lab, Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (VDRE), which specialises in developing defence vehicles.
"Defence Ministry has approved the directives for user trials of the bio-diesel and all the tests would be completed in another six month`s time," DRDO Chief Controller William Selvamurthy said here. "We are testing the fuel in terms of torque, power and other parameters keeping in mind engine`s performance. 20 per cent of bio-diesel mixed with regular diesel has been accepted by the engines," said Director, Defence Institute of Bio- Energy Research (DIBER), Zakwan Ahmed.
Results of the tests which are being carried out on BMP-II engine, Swaraj Mazda and 2.5 tonne Tata trucks are being analysed for further improvement in the fuel and its quality, he said.
The bio-diesel extracted from Jatropha seeds is produced by DRDO at its Secunderabad-based facilities, where over 400 acres of land is being used for growing the plant.
During the technical trial phase, the bio-fuel experts in DRDO successfully managed to increase its shelf life by two years by increasing the proportion of anti-oxidants in it.
"We have also added anti-freezing agents in this fuel to increase its freezing point so that it can be used in high altitude areas," Ahmed said. The project to develop bio-fuels for military vehicles and tanks was started a couple of years ago with DRDO making a significant breakthrough in developing oil which can be used to replace diesel in automobiles from the seeds of Jatropha plants.