Washington: There are no American boots on the ground in North Korea, the Pentagon said on Tuesday, categorically dismissing reports quoting a top general suggesting US troops’ presence in the country.
"My understanding is that the General`s comments were contorted, distorted, misreported, and that you know there is in no way any substance to the assertion," Pentagon Press Secretary, George Little, said. "Again that was misreported that there are US boots on the ground in North Korea. That is simply incorrect," Little told reporters at a Pentagon news conference when asked about remarks by Army Brigadier General Neil Tolley that the US military has been parachuting special forces into North Korea to carry out reconnaissance missions.
Little said that US works closely with Republic of Korea allies on a regular basis, on a daily basis to develop all the information they can to assess North Korean intentions and capabilities. "And that is a fundamental responsibility we have, again, working closely with our Republic of Korea allies. That`s very important, and we`ll continue to do that," he said.