Coimbatore: A "determined and resolute" CRPF is committed to wipe out left-wing terrorism despite temporary setbacks due to killings of its men and is committed to upgrade training in various fields, including intelligence, a top CRPF official said here on Sunday.
"Though CRPF have lost 29 men in the last one year, mostly in landmine and bomb blasts, its morale is very high and they are determined, resolute and committed to the core to wipe out left wing terrorism," K Vijayakumar, CRPF Director General told reporters here.

He said Maoists are taking advantage of the "gap" in development in remote areas and attacking CRPF men, thinking they would lie low without indulging in counter-insurgency.
Listing out the various steps to upgrade the force, he said specialized schools are being started at various places in India to maintain internal security and to tackle insurgency.

A training school has been started in Gurgaon in Haryana to strengthen intelligence, being carried out jointly with State and Central governments` assistance, he said.
As CRPF required about 2,000 to 3,000 sniffer dogs, a dog breeding and training school would be opened in Tharalu on the outskirts of Bangalore, he said, adding that a National non-lethal weapons training school would also be started soon.
There are plans to raise 10 more battalions each of COBRA (Commando Battalion for Resolute Action) and RAF (Rapid Action Force), four general battalions and to increase the strength of three Mahila battalion, taking the total number of battalions to 225, Vijayakumar said.