London: Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has rejected suggestions by his close friend, former vice-chairman David Dein, that he could quit the club.
“There is no chance I could walk away,” a daily quoted Wenger, as saying.
Arsenal has not won a trophy for six years and fans are concerned at a lack of buying activity in the transfer market this summer. Cesc Fabregas has moved to Barcelona and Samir Nasri is reportedly close to a move to Manchester City.
Dein had earlier urged the club’s fans to show respect for Wenger or risk losing the manager as he comes under increasing pressure at the Emirates.
“That’s always an option open to him because it could come to a stage when he will say: ‘Well, I have had enough’. At least that’s how I feel and I feel the fans should feel that. They should at least give him the respect that he deserves for what he’s done,” Dein had said. “People talk about: ‘Has his time finished at the club?’ That’s a very dangerous thing to say because it’s easy to get rid of people and then what? People talk about buying players. Well, you’ve got to get players who are better than the ones you’ve got at the moment,” he added.