Meerut: Four bodies, including that of a 12-year-old missing boy, were on Thursday recovered in the district in separate incidents, police said. The boy, Naresh, who had been missing for last two days, was found dead with his throat slit and private parts chopped off in Bahusuma area today, police said.
His family and locals alleged that it was a case of human sacrifice, they said.
While a man`s headless body was found in the jungle of Alipur, 20 km from here, another body was found in the jungle of Malsauna in Sardhana area.
Efforts are on to identify the two, they said. In another incident, the body of a man was recovered from the jungle of Khiwai. Kavindra had been abducted a few days ago from Jani area and a cases was lodged against two youths, Vikas and Ravi, of same village.
Vikas, who was arrested today, said he killed Kavindra to avenge his brother`s murder allegedly by the latter two years ago. Efforts are on to nab the other accused, police said.