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Narendra Modi's advice to media - Stop chasing politicians, highlight daily struggles of India's athletes instead

Throughout Rio Olympics, Modi was very optimistic about India's performance at the biggest sporting spectacle.

Narendra Modi's advice to media - Stop chasing politicians, highlight daily struggles of India's athletes instead

New Delhi: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday threw his weight behind India's athletes who sweat it out day in and out to make the country proud at mega events.

Speaking exclusively to CNN News 18 on Friday, Modi shared his thoughts on a series of issues.

Towards the end of the interview, Modi said that instead of wasting its time chasing politicians, media should highlight the daily struggles of India's sportspersons.

Speaking to the channel, Modi said, "You should select 30 athletes who went to Rio from the Indian contingent and show their daily schedule to the country. Looking at the amount of hard work they put in, it will change the way people in India look at their sportspersons."

Modi said that an Indian athlete trains for 10-12 years before representing India in major events and even if they don't succeed, they do not compromise with the hard work.

Throughout Rio Olympics, Modi was very optimistic about India's performance at the biggest sporting spectacle.

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