ChatGPT David Mayer: Microsoft-backed artificial intelligence (AI) startup OpenAI's popular chatbot ChatGPT is facing a strange bug which prevents it from using the name "David Mayer". Meanwhile, Reddit users have discovered this strange bug, reported the TOI. The AI Chatbot is unable to generate any response when given a prompt that would require to use of this particular name. 


Users have attempted various creative strategies to get ChatGPT to say a specific name "David Mayer", including using spaces between words, claiming the name as their own, and even crafting riddles.

Despite their efforts and imaginative prompts, they have been unsuccessful in getting the chatbot to respond with the desired name. These attempts highlight the persistence of users in trying to outsmart the system, yet the issue remains unresolved. Adding further, the Reddit users mentioned that the chat typically ends abruptly before ChatGPT can pronounce it.  

User Warnings vs API Functionality 

Despite repeated attempts, some users reported receiving warnings that their actions were "illegal and potentially violating usage policy." Meanwhile, others found that ChatGPT could mention the name without issues when accessed via its API. 

Who is David Mayer? 

Some Reddit users believe that "David Mayer" is connected to the Rothschild family, while others believe it might be related to a musician and copyright concerns. 

Here's How Netizens Reacted-