New Delhi: A UK man has claimed that he actually got poop in his online grocery order delivery packet. According to a report in UK's Metro the man from 


59-year-old Phil Smith, a resident of Blackburn in Lancashire, after having been town for over a month, wanted to restock his freezer when he got back home. Smith ordered groceries worth £150 (Rs 15,000) from British supermarket chain Iceland in Hyndburn, and to his utter dismay he was left with bags of human excreta inside.

‘All this poo fell out and I was totally shocked. I thought what on earth is this? I checked another bag and saw diarrhoea. I am quite squeamish as it is and this was disgusting and sickening,’ the Metro reported.

Smith immediately called the supermarket and asked them to collect the bags. He however said, the motive was not any kind of refund, but some acknowledgement. He said that he was later contacted by the supermarket which offered a refund to him.

Smith said that he contacted the local council and a health inspector is expected to visit Iceland store however there was no comments from Iceland, Metro reported.