Instagram may soon offer real money to creators making short videos, aka Reels, on the photo-sharing platform. The plan of the Facebook-owned social media firm is to take on rival TikTok and many other similar platforms allowing users to create and share short videos.


Instagram has reportedly the upcoming feature as ‘Bonuses, which will give creators a chance to make a fortune by making short entertaining videos on the app.  

Developer Alessandro Paluzzi first reported about the development. He shared a few screenshots which are solid enough proof to say that only creators will get the “Bonuses” option.  

If you remember the early days of TikTok in India when the app was named, it also offered all creators a monetary bonus for creating and sharing short videos. Instagram appears to be following TikTok’s footsteps with the Bonuses feature. 

Creators are likely to get paid for every new Reel they upload on Instagram, suggest screenshots shared by the developer. Instagram, however, is yet to make such an announcement officially. The feature is most probably in either its development or testing phase. And there are chances that the company may not roll out the feature eventually. 

Industry sources quoted in media reports point out that Instagram will only let creators with good upload volume or audience engagement metrics access the upcoming monetisation feature coming to the platform. 

Moreover, screenshots suggest that Instagram may also introduce a ‘Bonus threshold’. Creators will have to cross the threshold to start earning by making Reels on the platform. They are likely to get a dashboard where they can keep a track of their earning progress.