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New Microsoft Azure features to encrypt data while in use

The new features would safeguard enterprises from malicious insiders with administrative privilege or direct access to hardware on which its being processed.

New Microsoft Azure features to encrypt data while in use

New Delhi: Microsoft on Thursday unveiled Azure confidential computing to provide enterprises with Next-Gen data security as cyber attacks gain momentum worldwide.

Azure confidential computing is a set of features and services that provide protection that is missing from Public Clouds --- encryption of data while in use. 

"Today, Azure delivers cutting-edge support for encryption of customer data both at rest and in transit. This next level of `encryption in use` will help customers further protect their data," the company said in a statement.

The new features would safeguard enterprises from malicious insiders with administrative privilege or direct access to hardware on which its being processed.

It will also tackle hackers and malware that exploit bugs in the operating system, application or hypervisor, as well as third parties accessing it without their consent.

"This hardware-based Cloud solution, leveraging the `Intel SGX` technology, is a direct result of over four years of work from Azure, Microsoft Research, WDG and close collaboration with partner, Intel," the company said.

Azure confidential computing is now available in private preview as part of a special early access programme. 

Azure provides global scale cloud computing running in Microsoft Data centres in over 40 regions. 

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