New Delhi: In the episode, Vibhuti Narayan Mishra confesses about stealing Anu's jewellery to help the hungry. Meanwhile, chief minister of Jhingurpur gets a phone call from the king asking to stop Vibhu's swearing-in ceremony. He reveals that Vibhu is not the real king and the real king is someone else. 


In fact, he reveals that Vibhu's mother was a maid in the kingdom who made a similar mark on her son's back to create confusion. 

Watch the latest episode below:

In the preview of the next episode, Vibhuti and Manmohan meet with an accident while travelling on the scooty. Ramkali tells Angoori and Anita that they are having a bad time and they should avoid showing their faces to any men except their husband. The other day, when both the ladies go to visit Vibhuti and Manmohan to the hospital, Anita looks at Manmohan and the ceiling fan falls on him. 

What do you think will happen in the next episode? Let us know your thoughts in the comments with the hashtag #BhabiJiGharParHain.

Catch all the episodes of Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain, exclusively on ZEE5.