Zeenext Bureau Bangalore, Aug 30: Security in Karnataka jails was beefed up on Wednesday following two jailbreaks in the last fortnight. The Karnataka government has now decided to post home guards at important prisons across the state. Karnataka Home Minister Mallikarjuna M. Kharge, who convened an emergency meeting with top police officers on Wednesday, said the government would review the security in all prisons. Over 300 jail wardens would be appointed immediately.
The government also proposes to recruit armed guards for prison security. The government has suspended six persons, including a chief jailor, jail warden and jail superintendent, from the Hassan jail. On Thursday, eight undertrials escaped from Shimoga jail. However, six of them were nabbed within hours of their escape, reports said. The jail staff, staying nearby, caught four of them, while two others were arrested by the police. Two were still at large. Four of the escaped were involved in murder cases, two in robbery and another two in housebreaking incidents.