7 Worst Foods That Could Contribute To Weight Gain

7 Worst Foods That Could Contribute To Weight Gain

user Zee Media Bureau
user Mar 04, 2023

Although gaining weight is occasionally healthy, excess and persistent consumption of foods with a high-calorie content might result in unhealthy weight gain.

Ice cream

Ice cream

Ice cream is extremely fattening so it should best enjoyed as an occasional treat.



Extremely high in calories, doughnuts contain a large amount of trans-fat, which is an unhealthy fat.

French fries

French fries

These common snacks often go with ketchup or other high-sugar sauces, inviting double the trouble.

Milk Chocolate

Milk Chocolate

Unlike its cousin dark chocolate, white chocolate does not promote weight loss but in turn, can lead to weight gain.



Soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages add hundreds of calories to your diet without nutrition.



These high-calorie, low-nutrient carbohydrates contribute to weight gain.

Noodles/ Pasta

Noodles/ Pasta

If you do crave noodles, opt for whole-grain versions.


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