West Virginia: “Are there any Russians here tonight? Any Russians?" This was one of the several questions that the US President, Donald Trump, posed to a raucous crowd of supporters in Huntington, West Virginia on Thursday.


“Have you seen any Russians in West Virginia or Ohio or Pennsylvania?" he quizzed the crowd, effectively putting across his perspective that the Russia investigation is a 'total fabrication' by Democrats to distract the country from their defeat in US Elections.

Trump's comments come amid reports of special prosecutor enlisting a grand jury to investigate the issue, which could possibly lead towards criminal indictments.

Earlier, the Wall Street Journal, citing two unnamed sources, revealed that special counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury, which has already started investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Calling Hillary Clinton's defeat as 'the greatest loss in the history of American politics,' Trump said,

"The reason why Democrats only talk about the totally made-up Russia story is because they have no message, no agenda and no vision,"

"Most people know there were no Russians in our campaign — there never were," Trump said. "We didn't win because of Russia. We won because of you, that I can tell you."

Trump also targeted Clinton's missing emails.

"What the prosecutors should be looking at are Hillary Clinton's 33,000 deleted emails," Trump said, prompting chants of "Lock her up! Lock her up!" from the crowd, a common occurrence during the 2016 campaign, reported the American broadcaster NBC.

Earlier in the day, Trump blamed the Congress for an 'all-time' low US-Russia relations. He tweeted:

His statement comes a day after he reluctantly signed bill imposing tough sanctions against Moscow under mounting domestic pressure.