With the United States supporting Ukraine against Russia and Israel against Iran, the country is facing an increasingly higher threat of foreign-sponsored violence to create instability. The United States are all set to elect its next president early next month but the intelligence reports have brought concerning news for America.


According to a senior US intelligence official, Russia and Iran may try to encourage violent protests in the US after next month's election, reported the Associated Press. The officials cited two recent examples of foreign intelligence agencies seeking to sow discord ahead of the vote.

Officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence warned that Iran and Russia could incite violent protests, either by secretly organizing events or by encouraging participation in those planned by domestic groups. Their goal, according to the officials, would be to deepen divisions, undermine confidence in election results, and disrupt the presidential transition process.

Further detailing the past incidents, the report said that the Russian military intelligence tried to recruit an American in January this year to organise a protest in the United States. This was revealed in a declassified national intelligence memo which was released publicly on Tuesday. It's known that the US had earlier accused the Iranian government of covertly supporting protests against American support for Israel during the Gaza war. The memo said that Iran-linked individuals offered to cover the travel cost of protestors.

The United States is facing a growing threat of political violence, as demonstrated by the 2021 attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters following his defeat. This event underscored how quickly false and misleading claims about election results can incite deadly real-world actions.

Russia, seeking to weaken support for Ukraine, has aligned with former President Donald Trump, who has praised President Vladimir Putin and criticized NATO. Meanwhile, Iran has aimed to damage Trump’s campaign through disinformation and by hacking into campaign emails.

Concerns over political violence have intensified alongside increasing polarization and distrust, trends America’s adversaries are actively trying to accelerate through online disinformation and propaganda. In addition to influencing the election's outcome, officials warn that Russia, Iran, and China are also working to destabilize American unity by spreading false claims about elections, voting, and contentious issues like immigration, the economy, and the federal response to recent hurricanes.