Copenhagen: A Danish court Wednesday extended by four weeks the preventive detention of the daughter of Choi Soon-sil, the alleged mastermind of the massive corruption scandal that has rocked South Korea since October 2016 and led to President Park Geun-hye's impeachment.


A court in Aalborg (northwest Denmark) accepted the prosecution's petition for more time to study Seoul's request for the extradition of Chung Yoo-ra, arrested on January 1 in Aalborg, Efe news reported.

Investigators believe Chung, 20, received undue favours in university and high school due to her mother's connection with President Park Geun-hye. Her high school diploma was also annulled on grounds that her grades and attendance records were fabricated.

Choi, dubbed the "Korean Rasputin" for her proximity to President Park, is accused of meddling in state affairs though not holding any official position, and of using her influence to extort large sums from Korean companies, among other charges.

The prosecution believes that the Samsung group, the country's largest conglomerate, signed a contract worth around 22 billion won (around $19.3 million) with a Choi-owned company based in Germany, and also funded daughter Chung's equestrian training.

Chung, who justified her stay in Denmark citing horse riding training, has denied the accusations, but admits to having signed documents given to her by Choi on several occasions.