Washington: US First Lady Melania Trump has chosen Anna Cristina Niceta Lloyd, a Washington event planner who helped coordinate President Donald Trump's Inauguration Day celebrations, as her social secretary.


The appointment is a step forward for Melania who has remained out of sight in Washington and seems to be staffing the East Wing from afar.

According to a statement from the White House, Lloyd, who is known as Rickie, will be immersed in overseeing all social events and gatherings, including state dinners and the White House Easter Egg Roll.

Lloyd, 46, has worked for over two decades as an account executive at the Washington event planning business Design Cuisine, where she has been the main coordinator of events at the State Department and for previous Republican and Democratic inaugurals, New York Times reported.

"Rickie brings with her over 22 years of solid diplomatic, political and social entertaining experience," Melania said in a statement.