Washington DC: United States Energy Secretary Rick Perry is the latest to join the list of A-listers who have fallen prey to prank calls, as he ended up reportedly speaking to Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman for 22 minutes.


The Russian prankster, pretending to be Ukrainian Prime Minister Groysman, managed to have this conversation with Perry earlier this month. 

They discussed the energy policy, US sanctions on Russia, an upcoming visit by Perry to Ukraine, and what steps are being taken to counter cyber attacks -- including from Russia, CNN reported.

Energy department spokeswoman Shaylyn Hynes confirmed the call with Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, whose real names are Vladimir Krasnov and Aleksey Stolyarov.

"Secretary Perry is the latest target of two Russian pranksters. These individuals are known for pranking high-level officials and celebrities, particularly those who are supportive of an agenda that is not in line with their governments. In this case, the energy security of Ukraine," CNN quoted Hynes as saying.

The conversation came about a month after Perry hosted Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko and his delegation for a meeting at the US Energy Department.

According to reports, Perry received a request on July 12 for a phone call to follow up on the meeting with the Ukrainian Prime Minister and a week later, Perry spoke on the phone with the Russian pranksters.