New Delhi: A 49-year-old man was found dead and surrounded by snakes at his home in the United States. The horrifying incident took place in Charles County in Maryland, where a corpse of a man was found surrounded by at least 125 snakes, including the highly venomous cobras and black mambas.


According to the reports, Pythons were are also found on the site. The largest snake was a 14-foot Burmese python.

The police said that they received a distress call from the man's neighbour, who was the first one to spot man in that condition. The neighbour said that he did not see him for an entire day and so decided to check up on him. But when the neighbour reached his house, he saw the man lying unconscious on the floor.

In the meantime, Charles County Animal Control is trying to rescue all the reptiles found at the incident scene. "All of the snakes were placed with out-of-state organisations with the proper authority, permits and/or licenses,” BBC quoted a spokeswoman for the centre as saying. 

The spokeswoman also added that some of the animals would be adopted privately by approved handlers.

The authorities are yet to ascertain the cause of death. However, the police has alreday stated that there is no evidence of "foul play". 

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